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Lockdown Living

Hello again,

It’s been a while! I don’t know about you but I am finding the COVID-19 lockdown a very mixed experience.

With an unwell family member, as you can imagine I’m sure, it’s been stressful and we are not out of the woods yet, but there is definitely light beginning to emerge at the end of the tunnel, praise be!

On the other hand not being allowed to go out has really given me an amazing opportunity to be creative here at home in my studio. So I have selflessly turned my back on the housework and am focusing on my art.

You’ll see I have added some of my general greetings cards to my site and I’m currently going through my canvases deciding which make the grade and which are destined for repainting. There’ll be some new canvases added to the website soon.

So I am sending you good wishes as the world begins, in places, to put a tentative foot outside the door. 

Keep safe and take care.
